Saturday, 14 December 2013

4th Semester B.A/ Examination, May/June 2013
(Semester Scheme)
Software Engineering and Visual Basics
Time:3 hrs                                                                          Max. Marks:60

  instruction : Answer all sections.

Answer any ten question . Each carries one mark.                                                                     (10*1=10)
  1. Write any two characteristics of software engineering.
  2. Define project management.
  3. What is SRS.
  4. Define coupling.
  5. What is pesudocode
  6. Define verification and validation
  7. What is form in VB?
  8. Give the syntax of the message box function
  9. Which controls are called as intrinsic control ?
  10. What is the use of check box ?
  11. How to hide the form in VB ?
  12. What is the use of a data control ?
Answer any five question. Each carries three marks                                                                   (5*3=15)
  1. Briefly explain the different software components.
  2. Mention the project planning activities.
  3. Explain the design activities.
  4. Explain the features of VB.
  5. Explain the syntax and usage of the select case statement with suitable example 
  6. Explain any three events associated with the button.
  7. What is the difference between a function and subroutine with example.

Answer any five question each carries seven marks                                                                    (5*7=35)

  1. a) Explain water fall model.
          b) Mention the merits and demerits of iterative enhancement model.                                  ( 4+3)
    2.  a) Explain Delphi cost estimation model.
         b) What are the characteristics of SRS                                                                               (3+4)   
    3.  a) What is cohesion ? Explain different types of cohesion.
         b) Mention the components of DFD.                                                                                 (4+3)
    4. Explain IDE of VB with a neat diagram                                                        
    5.  a) Explain Different types of data types available in VB
         b) Explain for loop with suitable programming example.
    6. Explain any 4 properties of the following 
        i) Combo box
       ii) Text box
       iii) Lable
    7. Write an VB application program for data base connection using ADO data Control.

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