3rd Semester B.Com.N Examination, Oct./Nove. 2012
(Revised New Scheme)
COMMERCE (Paper - 3.4)
Indian Corporate Law
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instruction : Answer should be written completely either in English or in Kannada.
1. Answer any ten of the following sub - questions. Each sub - question carries two marks. (10*2=20)
a) Define a company
b) Give the meaning of perpetual succession.
c) Mention any four exemptions to private limited company.
d) Mention any four dis-qualifications of a company secretary.
e) What is the meaning of qualification shares ?
f) What is meant by Article of Association ?
g) What is meant by certificate incorporation ?
h) What is the meaning of 'Doctrine of Ultravires' ?
i) What is meant by prospectus ?
j) Give the meaning of resolutions.
k) Give the meaning of winding-up of a company.
l) Expand :
1) S.E.B.I
2) F.L.L
Answer any three questions. Each question carries 5 marks. (3*5=15)
2. How do you consider the business organisation as a joint stock company ?
3. What is meant by Memorandum of association ? Analyse its clauses.
4. "Is directors and managing directors are one and the same" ? Comment.
5. Analyse the legal rules for the issue of prospectus
6. Write a note on winding-up subject to the supervision of the court.
Answer any three questions . Each questions carries 15 marks. (3*15=45)
7. Briefly explain the types of companies which are registered under the company act of 1956.
8. "While the directors are the Brain of a company, The secretary is its Ears, Eyes and Hands" comment on the statement
9. Explain the various states involved in the formation of a company.
10. What is meant by statutory meeting ? What are the secretarial procedure for the statutory meeting ?
11. Explain in brief the guidelines of SEBI on
a) First issue of shares by a new Company.
b) Issue of bonus shares.
c) Issue of Debentures
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